Loan amount
Loan type
Purchase {Rent&Hold}
Property value
$525,000 {PP:$525,000}
99% {LTV}
Property type
Mobile Home Park
Credit score
Deal experience
3 deals
This loan scenario was submitted by a Broker
Purchase price
Down payment
Additional Loan Information
We are looking to purchase a camp ground that also has a house (completely livable, 2 story home), 2 out buildings, on 18 acres. From previous data from current owners, the camp ground income per month will cover the mortgage. We are looking to purchase this as a commercial property through our business SJO Properties. We have been approved through a local bank for the rest of the amount, the property has already been appraised for $525,000. We are seeking $200,000 for the down payment, this includes closing costs also. We have a few investment properties already that are doing very well, but do not hold enough equity yet for the down payment needed.
April 13, 2023 - 1:13pm

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